Aminoporte Ca

Aminoporte Ca is an invigorating and preventive calcium deficiency repairing product based on amino acids and calcium. It is indicated for pe-riods of increased growth and development, being rapidly absorbed by the plant organs, with greater activity and demand for nutrients.
Aminoporte Ca is a powerful carrier and dosing agent for mineral salts and other necessary ele-ments present in the soil. Amino acids facilitate the absorption of calcium through leaves and roots. In foliar application it offers protection against external agents. Calcium is essential for the pro-per development of roots, branches, shoots and the general growth of all crops. Among the crops most in need of calcium are:
Alfalfa, cotton,celery, aubergine, cherry, poplar, cabbage, cauliflower, rape, sunflower, beech, let-tuce, flax, apple melon, olive, potato, cucumber, pear, pepper, pineapple, nectarine, oak, tobacco, tomato, clover, vine and others.

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